Slash Into Me

The only podcast brave enough to merge revered horror movie franchises with the musical legacy of Dave Matthews Band.

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Monday Dec 17, 2018

Halloween 666, as it was called in its badass teaser trailer, ended up kind of a mess. Even Paul (Stephen) Rudd couldn't save it. That's what led intrepid renegades to popularize a shadow "Producer's Cut" that long circulated among fans before its proper release on DVD. It's not unlike DMB's mythic "lost" album, The Lillywhite Sessions. We get deep into it, as always. It's Slash Into Me.
Artwork by Katie Nee.

Monday Nov 05, 2018

Our first two-for-one tackles both Michael Myers' return and his subsequent revenge. It's the late '80s, which means things get cringey. Plus, Dave Matthews sings us "Hello Again" with a sweet song about murder, maybe? Trust us. It's Slash Into Me.
Artwork by Katie Nee.

Monday Oct 22, 2018

Eight more days 'til Halloween, Silver Shamrock! This time, we dive into the madness of the second Halloween sequel, which famously contains 1) No Michael Myers, and 2) No witches. But it does have haunted masks and even more haunted television commercial jingles. What does this have to do with DMB's "Seek Up"? You'll see. It's Slash Into Me.
Artwork by Katie Nee.

Sunday Oct 14, 2018

It ain't over yet. Michael Myers is back, baby, in 1981's Halloween II, and so are Pat and Chris. We talk about that wild hot tub scene before bringing up a 1994 DMB tidbit you might not know. It's Slash Into Me.
Artwork by Katie Nee.

Friday Sep 28, 2018

In the inaugural episode, hosts Pat Hosken and Chris Radey break down John Carpenter's iconic 1978 movie Halloween and, eventually, the Dave Matthews Band song of the same name. That's what we do here. It's Slash Into Me.
Artwork by Katie Nee.

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